Generations Radio

Our Story

Generations with Kevin Swanson aired for the first time on October 4, 2003 on KZNT, an AM station in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as a weekend program. We quickly added a second station, another AM station in Denver - 50,000 watt KLT.  Our first program featured a speech by Mike Smith, President of Home School Legal Defense Association. On January 1, 2005, Generations began airing on a daily basis on KGFT (FM 100.5) in Colorado Springs and KLT (AM 670) in Denver.  In February of 2006 we secured a morning drive time schedule of 8:30 am for the program on KLT (AM 670), and during the following month added a weekend program on the Faith and Freedom Network, based in Iowa.  Requests for tapes or downloads for the program during the first year totaled about 300. By the third year of the broadcast, tape requests and digital downloads increased to about 55,000.

Thanks to the enthusiastic reception of the program on the worldwide web, it wasn't long before the on-line listener base exceeded the terrestrial AM/FM listenership.  So in January of 2010, the board of Generations decided to discontinue buying time on AM and FM stations.  By June of 2011, our total downloads broke the 1,000,000 mark, with over 100 countries tuning in, at least on a monthly basis.

The Milieu

We believe God has raised up this ministry "for such a time as this."  We are truly witnessing the breakdown of western civilization and the Christian faith in the west.  Social systems are crumbling (with 42% of children born without fathers in this country, up from 6% in 1960).   Economic systems will follow suit.   Never has there been a better time to present a biblical worldview and social view to the world.

The Vision

The vision of Generations Radio is to present life from the perspective of a biblical worldview and within the framework of a relational model of living. The Christian philosopher of the 1960s, Francis Schaeffer, is a major impetus behind our work. His work of 50 years is summarized in this simple statement - modern man is lost and lonely. We are working to present a solution for both problems - transcendent truth in the context of relationship.

The content of this message is simple: apply God’s word to every area of life. We talk about renewing a biblical vision for family unity, fatherhood, motherhood, marriage, and teen purity. Our passion is to see more parents loving God so much that they would love their children and teach their children everyday about the God they love.