John 8:48-59
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)
1. A woman is caught in the act of adultery.
2. Jesus teaches that He is the Light of the world.
3. Jesus presents Himself as the way to true freedom from sin.
4. Jesus explains that He existed even before Father Abraham.
We should observe, first, in this passage, what blasphemous and slanderous language was addressed to our Lord by His enemies. We read that the Jews said “Aren’t we correct in saying that You are a Samaritan and are possessed by a demon?” Silenced in argument, these wicked men resorted to personal abuse. To lose temper, and call names, is a common sign of a defeated cause.
Nicknames, insulting epithets, and violent language, are favorite weapons with the devil. When other means of carrying on his warfare fail, he stirs up his servants to smite with the tongue. Grievous indeed are the sufferings which the saints of God have had to endure from the tongue in every age. Their characters have been slandered. Evil reports have been circulated about them. Lying stories have been diligently invented, and greedily swallowed, about their conduct. No wonder that David said, “Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue” (Psalm 120:2).
The true Christian in the present day must never be surprised to find that he has constant trials to endure from this quarter. Sinful human nature never changes. So long as he serves the world, and walks in the broad way, little perhaps will be said against him. Once let him take up the cross and follow Christ, and there is no lie too monstrous, and no story too absurd, for some to tell against him, and for others to believe. But let him take comfort in the thought that he is only drinking the cup which his blessed Master drank before him. The lies of his enemies do him no injury in heaven, whatever they may on earth. Let him bear them patiently, and not fret, or lose his temper. When Christ was reviled, “He reviled not again” (1 Peter 2:23). Let the Christian do likewise.
We should observe, secondly, what glorious encouragement our Lord holds out to His believing people. We read that He said, “I tell you the solemn truth, if anyone obeys My teaching, he will never see death.”
Of course these words do not mean that true Christians shall never die. On the contrary, we all know that they must go down to the grave and cross the river just like others. But the words do mean, that they shall not be hurt by the second death—that final ruin of the whole man in hell, of which the first death is only a faint type or figure (Revelation 21:8). And they do mean that the sting of the first death shall be removed from the true Christian. His flesh may fail, and his bones may be racked with strong pain; but the bitter sense of unpardoned sins shall not crush him down. This is the worst part of death—and in this he shall have the “victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).
This blessed promise, we must not forget to notice, is the peculiar property of the man who “obeys Christ’s teachings.” That expression, it is clear, can never be applicable to the mere outward professing Christian, who neither knows nor cares anything about the Gospel. It belongs to him who receives into his heart, and obeys in his life, the message which the Lord Jesus brought from heaven. It belongs, in short, to those who are Christians, not in name and form only, but in deed and in truth. It is written—“He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death” (Revelation 2:11).
We should observe, thirdly, in this passage, what clear knowledge of Christ Abraham possessed. We read that our Lord said to the Jews, “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day—and he saw it and was glad.”
When our Lord used these remarkable words, Abraham had been dead and buried at least 1,850 years! And yet he is said to have seen our Lord’s day! How astonishing that sounds! Yet it was quite true. Not only did Abraham “see” our Lord and talk to Him when He “appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre,” the night before Sodom was destroyed (Genesis 18:1), but by faith he looked forward to the day of our Lord’s incarnation yet to come, and as he looked he “was glad.” That he saw many things, through a glass darkly, we need not doubt. But we need not shrink from believing that he saw in the far distance a Redeemer, whose coming would finally make all the earth rejoice. And as he saw it, he “was glad.” The plain truth is, that we are too apt to forget that there never was but one way of salvation, one Savior, and one hope for sinners, and that Abraham and all the Old Testament saints looked to the same Christ that we look to ourselves.
We should observe, lastly, in this prophecy, how distinctly our Lord declares His own pre-existence. We read that He said to the Jews, “Before Abraham was, I am.”
Without a controversy, these remarkable words are very deep. They contain things which we have no eyes to see through, or mind to fathom. But if language means anything, they teach us that our Lord Jesus Christ existed long before He came into the world. Before the days of Abraham He was. Before man was created He already existed. In short, they teach us that the Lord Jesus was no mere man like Moses or David. He was One whose goings forth were from everlasting, the same yesterday, today, and forever, very and eternal God.
Deep as these words are, they are full of practical comfort. They show us the length, and breadth, and depth, and height of that great foundation, on which sinners are invited to rest their souls. He to whom the Gospel bids us come with our sins, and believe for pardon and peace, is no mere man. He is nothing less than very God, and therefore “able to save to the uttermost” all who come to Him. Then let us begin coming to Him with confidence. Let us continue leaning on Him without fear. The Lord Jesus Christ is the true God, and our eternal life is secure.
1. What are the themes of chapters 1-8?
2. What is a common sign that someone’s argument has been defeated?
3. How should Christians respond to slander?
4. How did Abraham “see Jesus’ day”?
5. What does Jesus claim about Himself in this passage?
1. Has anyone in our family been slandered? Recount this experience. How did you respond? Did you have a gracious spirit?
2. What are some common ways Christians are slandered in today’s culture?
3. Why is it a comforting fact that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God?