Mark, Part 21: Legion Defeated

February 17, 2025

Scripture Reading:

Mark 5:35-43

Key Verse: 

However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” (Mark 5:19) 

What does this passage teach us?

A great miracle is recorded in these verses. A dead girl is restored to life. Mighty as the “King of terrors” is, there is One mightier than he. The keys of death are in our Lord Jesus Christ’s hands. He will one day “swallow up death forever” (Isa. 25:8).

Let us learn from these verses, that rank places no man beyond the reach of sorrow. Jairus was a “ruler;” yet sickness and trouble came to his house. Jairus probably had wealth, and all the medical help that wealth can command; yet money could not keep death away from his child. The daughters of rulers are liable to sickness, as well as the daughters of poor men. The daughters of rulers must die.

It is good for us all to remember this. We are too apt to forget it. We often think and talk as if the possession of riches was the great antidote to sorrow, and as if money could secure us against sickness and death. But it is the very extreme of blindness to think so. We have only to look around us and see a hundred proofs to the contrary. Death comes to palaces, as well as to cottages—to landlords as well as to tenants—to rich as well as to poor. It waits for no man’s leisure or convenience. It will not be kept out by locks and bars. “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). All are going to one place, the grave.

We may be sure there is far more equality in the portions appointed to men than at first sight appears. Sickness is a great leveler. It makes no distinction. Heaven is the only place where “the inhabitant will not say, ‘I am sick’” (Isa. 33:24). Happy are they who set their affections on things above! They, and they only, have a treasure which is incorruptible. Yet a little while, and they will be where they shall hear no more evil tidings. All tears shall be wiped from their faces. They shall mourn no more. Never again shall they hear those sorrowful words, “your daughter—your son—your wife—your husband—is dead.” The former things will have passed away.

Let us learn, for another thing, how almighty is the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. That message which pierced the ruler’s heart, telling him that his child was dead, did not stop our Lord for a moment. At once he cheered the father’s fainting spirits with these gracious words, “do not be afraid; only believe.” He comes to the house where many are weeping and wailing and enters the room where the girl is lying. He takes her by the hand, and says, “little girl, I say to you, arise.” At once the heart begins to beat again, and the breath returns to the lifeless body. “The girl arose and walked.” No wonder that we read the words, “they were overcome with great amazement.”

Let us think for a moment how wonderful was the change which took place in that house. From weeping to rejoicing—from mourning to congratulation—from death to life—how great and marvelous must have been the transition! They only can tell that, who have seen death face to face, and had the light of their households quenched, and felt the iron entering into their own souls. They, and they only, can conceive what the family of Jairus must have felt, when they saw their beloved one given back once more into their bosom by the power of Christ. There must have been a happy family gathering that night!

Let us see in this glorious miracle a proof of what Jesus can do for dead souls. He can raise our children from the death of trespasses and sins and make them walk before Him in newness of life. He can take our sons and daughters by the hand, and say to them, “arise,” and bid them live not to themselves, but to Him that died for them and rose again. Have we a dead soul in our family? Let us call on the Lord to come and quicken him (Eph. 2:1). Let us send to Him message after message and entreat Him to help. He that came to the support of Jairus is still plenteous in mercy, and mighty in power.

Finally, let us see in this miracle a blessed pledge of what our Lord will do in the day of His second appearing. He will call His believing people from their graves. He will give them a better, more glorious, and more beautiful body, than they had in the days of their pilgrimage. He will gather together His elect from north, and south, and east, and west, to part no more, and die no more. Believing parents shall once more see believing children. Believing husbands shall once more see believing wives. Let us beware of sorrowing like those who have no hope, over friends who fall asleep in Christ. The youngest and loveliest believer can never die before the right time. Let us look forward. There is a glorious resurrection morning yet to come. “God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus” (1 Thess. 4:14). Those words shall one day receive a complete fulfillment, “I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. O Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction!” (Hos. 13:14). He that raised the daughter of Jairus still lives! When He gathers His flock around Him at the last day, not one lamb shall be found missing.


1. What are the themes of chapters 1-5?

2. What was Jairus’ position in society?

3. How did the people respond when Jesus said the girl was only sleeping?

Family Application Questions:

1. Are there any we know who appear to have dead souls? Pray that Jesus Christ would raise them up to new life. 

2. When we face death for our loved ones or for ourselves, what hope does the Bible give us? How do we grieve differently than those without hope?