Daniel Craig: We speak a lot about relationships and discipleship, and truly that's very important, but what are we trying to pass on? Well, I think it's the faith, and that's where the emphasis on truth in relationships comes in. And so one of the things that I've noticed is a theme in your ministry, is bringing good worldview, solid theology back to the forefront of people's minds even as they think about raising Godly children.
Kevin Swanson: Well, truth is the substance of it and it comes from the word of God. And we wanna be sure that we're rooted in the basic basic lessons of God's word, Christ being at the center, Christ being the message of the gospel entering into our world and paying for our sins on the cross and then he's our prophet, our priest, and our king, he's everything to us. He is tied into science and history. See, this is important that we integrate Christ into every element of what we're doing and that we understand how the world has set itself against Christ. It's important for us to understand the antithesis as well as the thesis. Christ is the truth, but then where has Christ been minimized, marginalized and attacked and eroded in the Christian faith, in Christian education, in different aspects of life in the western world? So that's why we enter into the realm of the worldview conflicts, that's why we put together, "What does the Bible say about that?" A world view curriculum for nine-year-old's. It's why we do worldviews in conflict for 12th graders, that's why we have the keep the faith series. That's why the book Apostate to bring out that battle that has waged between the philosophers, the great philosophers, who themselves declared war on Christ. They said, "We are against Christ, we are Anti-Christ as we."
Daniel Craig: And closely tied to that, "we are against the Christian family".
Kevin Swanson: That's right, and against the Christian faith.
Chad Roach: And you use this daily with your Generations Radio program as well.
Kevin Swanson: That's a big part of it.
Chad Roach: You're really bringing out the fight in the everyday news, the issues that are surrounding us and help families draw with clarity, what is true to believe, and what is true to teach your children about what's going on in the world around them, without a clear vision for that, what will families disciple their children in?
Kevin Swanson: And we wanna be sure we're bringing out the antithesis, but also the thesis, we wanna end the program with a strong sense of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, in control of history and us raising our children in the fear and the nurture of the Lord. And doing family worship and applying the family Bible study guides, teaching our children the Book of Proverbs, the Book of Psalms, the Book of Matthew as we sit in the house. This is the great solution, the great solution is not a political solution, the great solution is the preaching of the gospel and the discipling of the nations which, for every family listening, begins with their little nation that gathers around their living room everyday to hear the word of God taught.
Chad Roach: And rather than taking the approach of the world which is to say, "Let's water down the truth so that it can fit within the watered down context of our weak relationships." What we're arguing for is 100-proof truth in the context of 100-proof relationships so that we can give our children the real substantive truth of the word of God and substantive relational discipleship throughout the generations.
Kevin Swanson: That's exactly right, and I think Deuteronomy 6:7 just brings that together so beautifully, that we teach our children the truth of God's word as we sit in the bosom of relationship and then we call that discipleship. God came up with the idea, it's beautiful, let's do it, let's use it everyday in our family life.