Hindu Heritage Displaces US Christian Heritage

Kamala Harris Breaks the Paradigms


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September 03, 2024

England, Scotland, and America’s heritage is being replaced by a Muslim and Hindu heritage. The apostasy is full blown when the nation is led by a Hindu goddess, or something like that. Kamala Devi Harris represents a lot of firsts—most liberal, most dysfunctional, first feminist, and among the mostly incompetent among the leaders of America. All highly significant of an empire already collapsed.

About Your Host, Kevin Swanson

Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 70's, Kevin Swanson and his wife, Brenda, are now homeschooling their five children. Since graduating from his homeschool and then serving as student body president of a large west coast university, he has gone on to other leadership positions in corporate management, church, and other non-profits.

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