Killing Children, Body and Soul

Ariana Grande Concerts


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May 24, 2017

Tragically, 2000 children attended the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, and three were killed (including one eight-year-old child). Geert Wilders thinks that Islam is the root problem underlying these violent terrorist events. Is Islam the problem? Or is radical Islam the problem? Or, is Ariana Grande the problem? Why would parents allow children to attend concerts that encourage gross sexual sin? What may we learn from the fall of the Tower of Siloam and other tragedies?

This program includes:

1. Generations with Kevin Swanson

2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Five Suspects Arrested in Ariana Concert Bombing, Taiwan Court Approves of Homosexual Marriage, Eight States Have Closed All But One of Their Abortion Mills)

About Your Host, Kevin Swanson

Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 70's, Kevin Swanson and his wife, Brenda, are now homeschooling their five children. Since graduating from his homeschool and then serving as student body president of a large west coast university, he has gone on to other leadership positions in corporate management, church, and other non-profits.